5 places I want to return to:
TravelRepublic of Singapore

Republic of Singapore

— Country of the Future
Like the United Arab Emirates, Singapore is a country of the future. If in the case of the Emirates, oil was the starting capital for subsequent investments in the country's economy, namely logistics development and the tourism sector, then Singapore did not achieve the magical transformation easily.

Singapore is a very beautiful city-state, it is impossible not to fall in love with it for anyone who has a sense of beauty. One gets the feeling that the architect who would have approved the design of the ugly building could have been executed; there are other reasons why the development is so well thought out and logical. There are megacities in which not only there is no unified concept and style, but the hands of mayors of different times make the city a disgusting cocktail of modern towers and old houses that are an architectural heritage, but not of cultural significance. In Singapore, glass towers are combined only with nature, where trees and parks make futurism eco-friendly.

In addition to being a "cover city", Singapore is home to an impressive arboretum with plants of the world, a huge zoological safari park with large animals and, perhaps, the best amusement park. This city is created for people and a happy, high-quality life.

Having gained its independence in 1965, Singapore was nothing at all. In addition to maintaining sovereignty, the former colony with a difficult fate was faced with the problems of economic crisis, lack of housing, unemployment, low level of education, and shortage of resources and land.

Despite the fact that Singapore is 3.5 times smaller than Moscow, governing a state that is forced to import even water has always been difficult. Over the course of 50 years, Singapore has transformed itself from a crime-ridden country with a lot of social unrest into the world's second-most secure country. Radical in his management style, Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, in the fight against corruption, imprisoned his best friends and introduced the death penalty for crimes at the top of the government.

Guaranteeing the largest investors the rule of law, full support and financing, the country's economy grew at such a rapid pace that for twenty years in a row, annual GDP growth averaged 8% per year. Regular investments in medicine raised the level of health, educational programs improved the competencies of the population, and by improving living conditions it was allowed to use money from the pension fund. By the way, now residents of Singapore can contribute money to the pension fund in any amount and currency at their discretion, and the funds in the accounts are insured by the state.

Today Singapore is all about business, logistics and tourism. As proof of this, Changi Airport has been recognized as the best in the world for 7 years and has the largest passenger traffic, and Singapore Airlines is one of the few five-star airlines.

Singapore, I love you.